Welcome to my first game - Armor Breaker!

The full version is currently undergoing an update! Get access to the full version on Patreon or directly through itch.io (soon)

You can also check out the release of my newest (3D rendered) game, Super Battle Decks.


The armor break scene is too slow / too fast. Can I change it?

Yes - you can change "Break Speed" via the options menu in game or at the tittle screen.

I can't select the enemies / my cursor is stuck on an enemy

For some reason if you have your mouse over one of the enemies you can't use the arrow keys to select other ones. Easy fix though - if you move your mouse off the game screen you should be able to select freely again. 

Regeneration doesn't work!

It actually does work, it's just a very small amount of HP and STAM per turn and I didn't put in text to remind you about HP / STAM regen every turn because it felt a little annoying during testing. That being said, once you have it on it lasts the whole fight and can't be taken away AND it stacks up to 10 times. Particularly useful if you can build up stacks for longer boss fights.

Why is the combat so difficult? Why do I get one-hit killed sometimes?

There are a couple of mechanics that are helpful to understand - I would recommend you go through the tutorial battle if you haven't already, or select an easier difficulty level. Make sure to watch out for enemies who are stacking attack buffs and/or triple damage and use either absorb or stun to stop them. Also, not every build will be viable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(42 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing, Adventure
Made withRPG Maker
TagsAdult, Boss battle, Eroge, Erotic, Hentai, nudity, Skeletons, Zombies


ArmorBreaker_Demo_PC_041123.zip 185 MB


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r skelly is crazy dawg


Suprisingly funny; good writing

bro, in the final of the demo, say that can be found on the steam but i'm shearching for a while and can't find it, the game or the creator the  icantdrawgud, i want so much play that in the steam, make the achievements and platinize too, just the demo make me want that so much, this game is amazing!

I just encountered this bug how do you fix this?

Also when will the full version of this game be released?

(1 edit) (+1)

the difficulty is actual hell even on normal, a single enemy encounter can almost kill you, and the boss fight... I was spamming the healing and stamina skills for 10 minutes, straight, because of cancer rng. Atleast they never all attacked at once because that would just one shot me.

but other than that the game is well made and pretty fun

dont rag on the art to much, this was alot of fun and im very excited to see you next work.

Every so often the screen froze, and I had to restart from last checkpoint in the middle of the fight, but otherwise an awesome game. 


Pretty solid for a first game. It isn't perfect, but it's definitely better than what it could've been.

I'd recommend having it unlock a gallery to view all the images once someone beats the game, regardless of difficulty. It'd definitely make the entire thing feel more worthwhile.

(8 edits)

How to game:

skills: pick up stun, regeneration, and absorb. once you max out regen you can out regen most drain skills and use a decent skillset from 0. stun breaks the sigma form. Absorb blocks everything but the sigma form. Non essential skills: all disrupt, break, and subjugate skills speed up everything. Maybe remove debuff. 

bonus sp:

after every boss there is a prop that gives you 1 sp. In addition you may get one by sneaking past every fight, passing every question (insect, straight line to different tiles (ignore blood and post-maze chest trap), shark, 5, hole), and winning every game (get your number to (3x+2), 7/20 chance(rng save scum or spec into luck to boost odds), snow),  as well as one hidden in the crack in the wall


every set of bones containing a pic uses the same sprite, if olive rolls a ten in her game a secret is unlocked???, and 5 and 6 gives pics of olive and scarlet, beating the game gives a certain number of pics based on difficulty. 


Holy shit I did it.
Beat the secret Insanely Hard Mode.
That was just... ludicrously bullshit hard, occasionally even unfair during the final bossfight (mostly thanks to Azure), but hey, bragging rights!

Protip for anyone else who wants to try this: Regeneration is your best friend. Even though you only start to get even a single Stamina per turn at 3 stacks, and don't get an extra point per turn until 5 and 8 stacks... that is enough. And the Health regeneration is actually enough to let you survive a single Sigma Attack, despite it doing as much damage as your default max health on this mode! And even 3 Stamina per turn can let you keep Stunlocking on opponent every turn for quite a long while (which you will need to do a lot, again mainly thanks to Azure).

But uhh... the reward feels a little... lackluster? A mere 5 bonus commands, plus some extra thing that can only be accessed externally, via emailing a secret phrase to the author. I love most of what this game does, and am at least willing to tolerate the parts I don't love, but... external rewards, especially ones that would get my email involved, are kinda... how about no.

Fair point - that was mostly because i didn't have the links set up yet (hence the manual aspect), so I will be taking it out of future version and providing a direct link to the reward.


bug with Olive fight. She sometimes resists all armor break atks even without def buffs and i have to damage her down manually

Yeah, I just got this bug too... in the final boss fight. On Hard Mode. Kinda put a damper on my victory (no triple subjugate for me). Especially since, Hard Mode apparently only gives a mere 4 bonus points (plus a hint for something extra), which is just 1 more than Normal Mode, and... this time around, I had to spend that 1 extra point just on stripping Olive.

Incidentally, on the subject of Olive and ridiculously hard to get extra secrets... what exactly is the thing that you get if you tie her at Rock Paper Scissors and then get a 10? I stumbled upon that as well somehow, but never got any sort of explanation for exactly what the secret I supposedly unlocked was.

Yeah, Olive has a higher armor break resistance since she doesn't have any defensive moves, so you may need to invest a point or two into your armor break attack.  I might bump it down a little for the next version. Thanks for the feedback!

real good.
the final boss fight took me a dozen tries on easy, probably because I turtle the fights up until that point. so I had to actually use the "remove power-up" ability instead of just plowing through.
I liked the idea of multi-subjugation.

personal advice for the final fight, go for the blue one first. those 3x damage attacks are frightening.

Glad you liked it! I wanted to create some battles that took a little bit of thinking  and strategy to get through; it sounds like you figured it out :)

I found an even easier method for the final fight, which lets you get a Maximum Subjugation on Turn 2 (preventing the Sigma Formation attack) — but it might be a bug, so I've sent the details privately to the Dev.

The blue one's 3x damage attacks are dangerous, yes... but also, they can easily be turned to your advantage, via the damage-converted-to-healing skill. Generally pretty easy to get a full heal from that.

But despite this, the blue one is still the most dangerous... because of her ability to randomly seal off a third of your skills.

However... I actually don't recommend going after her first... or after anyone first. Try taking them all out at the same time, or at least within a few turns of each other.

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

Has potential, but combat is way too grindy (not hard, just takes too long). Inability to use healing skills out of combat is also very irksome for me. Cherry on top is the lack of saving ability. Means if you die, you start again, and that's a monster no-no for me. I want to like this game, but just can't how it is right now.

Thanks for the feedback! I was trying to strike the balance between being able to save and also giving it just a little bit of challenge as well and thought that saving at the HP / STAM restore points may be a good fit. I definitely want to make it a little bit more action oriented, so something to look forward to for the next one

Deleted post

Oh weird - I definitely intended for there to be save functionality at the rest points. I will take a look and see if I can get that fixed - thanks for the feedback!

It might be that the Rest Points aren't well advertised (you have to walk onto them and interact to discover what they are), and the Save option still appears in the Menu, but greyed out.

Perhaps the Necromancer could tell you to keep an eye out for Rest Points, at the end of the Tutorial?  Not sure how hard removing the "Save" option from the menu completely would be, either.


Huh, well points for originality and going for a relatively untouched niche. And an interesting pick of protagonist! Though perhaps its for the best that particular bone isn't working, judging by the track record of everyone prior...